Hello and welcome. My name is Donna Mahoney. My passion in life is working with women to empower them to take control of their lives and live their best life possible and working with children who have experienced trauma. I am also a passionate advocate for the safety of our children and believe as a society we need to do more to ensure their are greater protections available to our most precious members of society.
I am known for the work I do as a trauma counsellor and art therapist. I write personal development programs for all ages and facilitate them around Australia and internationally. I have recently ventured into writing therapeutic books for children as I have found that the books that are available don’t quite get the message across that is needed to give each child personal insight into their situation. In addition, I am also a Best Selling Author of personal development books for women.
I have extensive experience in the use of modalities such as Sand Play Therapy, Clay Field Therapy, Sensorimotor Art Therapy, Play Therapy, Expressive Therapies and Emotional Freedom Technique. I utilise a combination of these tools when working with clients and when facilitating workshops.
My Qualifications
- Bachelor of Arts - Majoring in Human Services
- Diploma of Community Services (Welfare Studies)
- Diploma of Professional Counselling
- Diploma in Sensorimotor Art Therapy
- Diploma in Clay Field Therapy
- Certificate in Expressive Therapies with Children and Adolescents
- Certificate in Sand Play Therapy and Symbol Work with Children, Adolescents and Adults
- Level 1 & 2 Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T.)
For all enquiries please contact me here.